The Chiropractor

Doctor Ross McLaren received his bachelor´s degree in sciences at the University of Calgary, Canada and later received his doctorate in chiropractic at Palmer College of Chiropractic West in California.

He has more than years of experience having worked in the United States and Italy and in 2005 he opened his clinic in downtown Valencia where he currently resides.

Apart from working at his private clinic in downtown Valencia, Dr. McLaren worked as the chiropractor for the German team in the America´s Cup.

He is a member of the Spanish Chiropractic Association (member Nº 1154). ( Only those with the proper academic credits are granted membership status.

Quiropractico Ross McLaren Valencia


How long does a chiropractic session last in my office?

In my office, each chiropractic session lasts 10 to 15 minutes in a private room.

Does the treatment hurt?

No. It is painless.

What are some causes of displaced vertebra?

Some causes include poor posture, traumas such as car accidents, improper lifting techniques and stress.

Is chiropractic the same as physical therapy?

No. Chiropractic is based on aligning and unblocking the vertebrae whereas physical therapy treats problems associated with the soft tissue of the body, such as muscles and tendons. These two professions are highly compatible with one another since many health conditions have both a muscular and vertebral component.

Is chiropractic a branch of medicine?

No. Chiropractic is based on a philosophy fundamentally different from that of conventional medicine. It does not involve the use of drugs or surgery but rather treats the cause of the underlying problem in an non-invasive manner without side effects.

What educational requirement is necessary to become a chiropractor?

To become a chiropractor in the United States and Canada, it is necessary to have at least 6 years of university training and receive the Doctor of Chiropractic degree. In Spain, the educational program has a duration of 5 years in which you receive the equivalent of a master's degree. Currently, there are two chiropractic colleges in Spain that adhere to the Bologna Process. The main objective of the Bologna Process since its inception in 1999 has been to ensure more coherent, comparable and compatible higher education systems in Europe.

The chiropractic science requires a special emphasis on anatomy, physiology, pathology, biomechanics, radiology, techniques of spinal adjusting and other aspects related to the vertebral column.

Once completing the educational program, it is necessary to attend post-graduate seminars in order to keep up to date on the latest information.